Ultrasonic extractor yog cov khoom siv ultrasonic tsim los siv nrog cov khoom siv rho tawm. Ultrasonic core Cheebtsam muaj xws li ntse tsis siv neeg zaus mus txog qhovtwg ultrasonic generator, high-Q nqi high-power transducer, thiab titanium alloy extraction cuab tam lub taub hau muaj kev kawm zoo nyob rau hauv extraction, homogenization, stirring, emulsification thiab lwm yam. Lub kaw lus muaj kev ua haujlwm xws li tsis siv neeg zaus taug qab, kho lub zog, kho qhov amplitude, thiab lub tswb txawv txav. Nruab nrog RS485 kev sib txuas lus, ntau yam tsis tuaj yeem hloov pauv thiab pom los ntawm HMI. Daim ntawv thov thaj chaw: • Crushing cellular, bacterial, viral, spore, and other cellular structures • Homogenization of av and rock samples • Npaj DNA fragmentation in high-throughput sequencing and chromatin immunoprecipitation • Study of structural and physical features of rocks • Dispersion of txhaj tshuaj tshuaj • Homogenization ntawm dej haus los ntawm ultrasound • Dispersion thiab extraction ntawm suav tshuaj ntsuab tshuaj • Dej cawv aging technology • Cracking, emulsification, homogenization, thiab crushing ntawm hais xws li carbon nanotubes thiab tsis tshua muaj ntiaj teb cov ntaub ntawv • Accelerated dissolution thiab tshuaj lom neeg tshuaj.

Post lub sij hawm: Dec-04-2024